While I had made note of my goals at the beginning of the training period, I guess now is as good a time to review them. In order:
- Raise $2,300 for Gawad Kalinga to build a home for one family. Almost there! As of today, Thursday, Oct. 2, we're at $1,880. To reach our goal, I'm praying for 17 people to donate $25 each to get us over that. The deadline is Oct. 13, the day after the marathon. The deadline also allows GK enough time to close its books for the year, since there are a lot of us running for the cause. Click here to donate online; drop me a note at alan.llavore@gmail.com to donate by check. And, please pass along the links to the fundraising page and the blog.
- Finish the race on Oct. 12
- Target goal: to run a personal record (PR). Anything under 4 hours, 6 minutes and 38 seconds
- Give-it-all-you-got goal: a marathon under 4 hours
- God-totally-carried-me goal: a Boston qualifying time of 3 hours, 30 minutes or faster :-)
Like two years ago in June 2006, I was battling a minor cold before the San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon. Two weeks out from Oct. 12, I caught the bug that everyone seems to be dealing with: sore throat, congestion, just the blahs. So I spent Monday resting at home. Lots of fluids, especially orange juice, and a large Coldbuster from Jamba Juice, double on the immunity boost, pretty much everyday since Sunday. No workout until yesterday, Wednesday, and that was easy 6 miler that was OK time wise, but I just felt out of sorts.
Also, I have some soreness in my left Achilles' tendon, which I have had from time to time, but not until this point in this training cycle. So I'm icing it, stretching it, going easy and taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen). Running on it is a little uncomfortable and the soreness tends to go away after I warm up, but it still pays to be a little more cautious this close to race day.
A couple of videos: one to give you more insight on what it takes to prepare for a marathon, and Josh Cox' testimony based on Isaiah 40:31.
"This Ain't Easy"
From the ChasingKimbia project
Runner: Stephen Baba Kiogora of Kenya
Coach: Dieter Spricht
Training in Boulder Colorado, October 2007
Workout: 30K run (18.6 miles)
chasingKIMBIA.com is a blogumentary documenting the lifestyle and training of some of the world's best marathon runners. Season One provided an unprecedented vantage point of the highs and lows of professional running as seven athletes prepared for the Chicago and New York City marathons. Season Two brings even more excitement and deeper coverage to the sport as we travel to the training camp in Iten, Kenya, where the athletes are preparing for the Boston, London, and Rotterdam marathons. This is your backstage pass. Follow the journey at www.chasingkimbia.com.
Josh Cox and the 50 Mile Miracle
October 18, 1997. The day my faith became fact. For the full story go to joshcox.thefinalsprint.com. God did a miracle and my buddies had my camera! Race highlights and testimony.
About Josh (from his ministry page at GodTube.com):
Some might say that running 120-160 miles a week is unusual. But Josh was never an ordinary Christian.
Josh Cox qualified for his first Olympic Marathon Trials in 1999 at the tender age of 23 making him the youngest qualifier for the 2000 U.S. Olympic Trials. Later that year he ran 2:13 and placed 10th at the Chicago Marathon. Highlights of his career include being the Top American at the World Track & Field Championships. He's earned big sponsors, been on the cover of numerous magazines and even been on reality TV.
But his faith is really his greatest accomplishment. Many athletes are afraid to express their convictions and faith, but anyone who meets Josh knows he is not one of them.
Runner tracking:
Since all the runners and walkers will have a timing chip attached to their shoes to record their race times, the BOA Chicago Marathon has a way for people to track runners. All you need is their full name and to sign up for the service. You can opt to get e-mail reports or text messages to your cell phone (be aware of your service provider's charges). To get set up, click here.
My hosts:

This is Orly and Eunice, who are also from my hometown of San Diego, and were (and sort of still are) members of my church, Corona International Christian Fellowship. They were instrumental in getting the young adult ministry up and running, as well as the youth ministry and the young adult worship team. This will be Orly's first marathon, and he's running in memory of their son, Jayden Timothy, and for Children's Memorial Hospital. To view his fundraising page (and donate, too!) click here.
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